NxG Blog

Infinite UAC Prompts

ForceAdmin is a C# tool that constructs payloads to generate an infinite number of UAC (User Account Control) pop-ups until the user consents to run the program. The tool executes inputted comman...


PHP 7 and safe-build Update of the popular C99 variant of PHP Shell. c99shell.php v.2.0 (PHP 7) (25.02.2019) Updated by: PinoyWH1Z for PHP 7 Preview About C99Shell The c99 variant is a PHP-ba...

Misdirection: 1 - Vulnhub

In this post, we will examine the procedures I employed to fully compromise the “Misdirection: 1” host from Vulnhub. Nmap Results # Nmap 7.92 scan initiated Wed Jun 15 23:47:44 2022 as: nmap -T5 ...

Aiodnsbrute - DNS Asynchronous

This tool utilizes asyncio in Python 3.5+ to carry out asynchronous brute force attacks on domain names. Speed The performance is impressive. Based on benchmarks conducted on small VPS hosts, t...

Zyxel Buffer Overflow / Format String / Command Injection

Buffer overflow, format string, and command injection vulnerabilities are present in Zyxel’s firewalls, AP controllers, and APs. SHA-256 | 79406602a0c385dac42a7bfb84e9d7b7c26a7d4a46efafc40a5870b...

Authcov - Web App Authorisation

AuthCov utilizes a Chrome headless browser to navigate through your web application while authenticated as a predetermined user. As it crawls, it records and logs all API requests and pages that ...

Roxy File Manager 1.4.5 PHP Restriction Bypass

There is a vulnerability in the PHP file upload restriction bypass, which has been demonstrated through a proof of concept exploit targeting Roxy File Manager version 1.4.5. MD5 | 67cd595e53e091...

Njrat Analysis

NjRAT, also known as Bladabindi, Njw0rm, or LV, is a type of Remote Access Trojan (RAT) that operates on the .NET framework and is designed to target Windows computers. Initially emerging in 2012, ...

Dbltek GoIP GHSFVT-1.1-67-5

The Dbltek GoIP, which is running firmware version GHSFVT-1.1-67-5, has a vulnerability related to local file inclusion. MD5 | 1da824e80cedd24b390e4caee1202eb9 # Exploit Title: Dbltek GoIP...

Telegram Android 8.4.4

A denial-of-service vulnerability is present in Telegram Android version 8.4.4. MD5 | f6d1f83d5660f0341a5f09928a71fdbf Document Title: =============== Telegram Android v8.4.4 - Den...